
2013 Sustainability Report


GRI Remissive Index


Indicator responded in full:
Indicator responded partially:

Economic performance
Management approach
EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed ,
EC4 Significant financial assistance received from government
Impactos econômicos indiretos
Forma de gestão
Environmental performance Reported Link
Management approach
EN12 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity
EN14 Strategies to manage impacts on biodiversity
Emissions, effluents and waste
Management approach
EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions
Management approach
EN28 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of sanctions resulting from non-compliance with legislation
Social performance Reported Link
Labor practices and decent work
Management approach
LA1 Total number of workers, by type of employment, work contract and region, discriminated by gender /
LA2 Total number, rates of new hires and turnover of employees, by age group, gender and region /
LA3 Benefits offered to full-time workers that are not offered to temporary or part-time employees, discriminated by significant operating unit
Occupational health and safety
Management approach
LA7 Injury, occupational illness, days lost, absenteeism and mortality rates, by region and by gender
LA8 Educational and risk prevention and control programs
Training and education
Management approach
LA10 Average hours training per year, per employee, by gender, discriminated by functional category
LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development appraisals, by gender
Diversity and equality of opportunity
Management approach
LA14 Ratio of women's base salary and remuneration to men's, by functional category, by significant operational unit
Human rights
Freedom of Association
Management approach
HR5 Operations or significant suppliers identified in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining might have been violated or put at significant risk, and the measures taken to support this right
Indigenous rights
Management approach
HR9 Total number of cases of violation of rights of indigenous peoples and measures taken
Management approach
SO1 Percentage of operations with impact assessment, development and engagement programs implemented in the local community
Public policy
Management approach
SO5 Positioning regarding public policies
Management approach
SO8 Description of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions
SO9 Operations with significant potential impacts or actual negative impacts on local communities
SO10 Preventive and mitigation measures implemented in the operations with significant potential impacts or actual negative impacts on local communities
Product responsibility
Product and Service Labeling
Management approach
PR5 Practices related to customer satisfaction, including survey results
Sector indicators - Logistics and transport Reportado Link
Management approach
LT6 Description of policies and programs implemented to manage traffic congestion impacts
LT7 Description of policies and programs implemented to control/reduce noise