
2013 Sustainability Report


About the report

One of the advances in the 2013 Sustainability Report was the materiality process.


This is the second sustainability report that ALL has published. The document provides the most relevant information about the economic, environmental and social performance of the four railway concessions operated by ALL Railway Operations and the ALL holding company between January 1st and December 31st 2013. Any information not related to this period, as well as targets for 2014, is clearly indicated in the context in which it occurs. The scope is the same as in the previous report: ALL Malha Sul S.A., ALL Malha Oeste S.A., ALL Malha Paulista S.A. and ALL Malha Norte S.A., that is, the ALL Southern, Western, Paulista and Northern networks.

As in the previous year, the document is based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) methodology. In accordance with GRI 3.1 guidelines, the report achieves application level B, as illustrated in the table below. The report provides a broad, transparent overview of company activities. In this edition, 42 profile and governance items were reported, in addition to the management approach to material aspects and 23 performance indicators, including two sector supplement indicators.

Application level

*Final version of sector supplement.

Materiality process

The main advance in the ALL 2013 Sustainability Report was the beginning of a materiality process. The relevant topics were established based on interviews conducted with company executives – including some involved in local community relations – and area specialists: representatives of Ibama, ANTT (Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres, the railway freight transport association ANTF (Associação Nacional dos Transportes Ferroviários) and the Fundação Getulio Vargas Logistics Center.

The process also involved the analysis of company documents, sector documents, media clippings and references in sustainability. Furthermore, a number of key stakeholders groups that impact or are impacted by ALL operations were engaged.

The process resulted in the following list of material topics:

  1. Relations with surrounding communities
  2. Investments in infrastructure and the reduction of sector logistics bottlenecks
  3. Government relations
  4. Financial management
  5. Employee and third-party health and safety
  6. Ensuring the safety of railway lines
  7. Compliance with sector legislation and regulations and relations with sector associations and the government
  8. Environmental management system and relations with environmental authority
  9. Customer relations
  10. Labor practices


In 2014, the materiality analysis process will be expanded. This will include consultations with the communities impacted by ALL railways and interviews with representatives of the communities cut by railways, investors and employees. A more complete materiality matrix will be constructed based on this information. The last stage consists of the validation of the priority topics by senior leadership and the definition of strategic objectives and targets.

If you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms to make about this report, please contact:

Investor Relations:
[email protected]
Tel (55-41) 2141-7459
Rua Emilio Bertolini, 100. Vila Oficinas
82.920-030 Curitiba – PR