Water Forestry Logistics Our Suppliers Forest Management Our Neighbors Climate Change Health and Safety Research and Development Nurseries New Employees Fibria New Businesses Ecosystem Services Market Consumption Our Clients Industry PDRT Whale Protection Forestry Partnership Beehives Pulp Logistics

Research and Development

Fibria has been consolidating its strategy of growth, differentiation, and diversification through a proposal creation of social, economic, and environmental value from the benefits generated by the planted forests.


was Fibria's investment in innovation in 2016.


is Fibria's equity interest in the Canadian company CelluForce, the largest global producer of nanocrystalline cellulose.

Forest Management

Planted forests are at the heart of Fibria's strategy. From seedling nurseries to timber logistics, our forestry operations are organized to achieve productivity associated with the growing balance of social and environmental parameters in the regions where we operate.


of native forests. In total, Fibria has 1,056,000 hectares of land, of which 364,000 are intended for conservation.


more wood. Is the transportation capacity of PIFFs, Fibria's trucks with a lighter body-frame that contribute to the reduction of fuel consumption and air emissions.


How to generate and share value with different audiences in increasingly demanding environments? This is a constant pursuit in all company's operations. Especially in the mills, this pursuit for value creation is present in every phase of pulp production - from the biomass boilers to transportation of baled pulp.


million tons of pulp were produced by Fibria in 2016.


is the rate of reuse of industrial waste.


Long-term relationships and operational excellence are at the heart of the work carried out by Fibria's commercial area. With offices located in North America, Europe, Asia, and Brazil, the company guarantees the quality and supply of pulp to global manufacturers of tissues, paper for printing and writing, books, and specialty papers.


is the number of countries where we export.


tons was the volume of Klabin's pulp marketed in 2016 by Fibria in an unprecedented contract for the creation of value signed by companies in the same sector.


How much does a company like Fibria participate in people's lives?


Number of events and locations that exhibited the project.


people visited the Nossa Casa tem Fibria (Our House has Fibria) project.



million tons. Our production capacity.


The number of our own employees and contractors.

New Businesses

Planted forests are part of the solution to problems associated with climate change and contribute to a low-carbon economy.


In a reality of scarce job supply and we can train people, we have chosen nurseries with manual production systems, such as Helvécia, in the South of Bahia. Fibria seeks to adopt alternatives to assist local development, according to the context in which it operates.

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Ecosystem Services

Fibria promotes forest restoration, connecting Atlantic Forest fragments, and paying for environmental services, among other activities.

Climate Change

With the recent water shortage resulting from extreme weather conditions, forest ecophysiology research has been encouraging Fibria to intensify its meteorological monitoring and expand its experimental network.


Fibria, which depends directly on its planted and native forests, works to systematize, intensify, and extend management of water use in the field, in the industry, and in the vicinity of its operations.

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Our neighbors

In the past, our relationship with our neighbors was filled with conflict. Through dialogue and structured programs, we began to cooperate, and now we would like our neighbors to participate in our value chain.

Our Clients

Fibria understands the value chain and its role as more of a P2P (people to people) than a B2B (business to business) industry.

New Employees

Fibria's organizational development practices and policies are permeated by a culture of high performance, protagonism, and commitment of all employees.

Health and Safety

Fibria's systemic vision of the business also applies to day-to-day activities regarding health and safety.

Our Suppliers

Our value proposition includes developing suppliers in the municipalities where we operate, generating a virtuous cycle for the local economy, our company, partners and society.


The Beehives project supports beekeeper associations and cooperatives from production to marketing.

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The Rural Land Development Program helps Fibria to create value and strengthen links with rural communities.

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Forestry Logistics

Wood is transported mainly by highways, due to Brazil’s logistics model.

Forestry Partnership

Fibria subsidizes producers, provides support for structuring the planting, and shares technology and knowledge.

Whale protection

In order to avoid harming the reproductive cycle of humpback whales, Fibria has set a different route for its barges.

Pulp Logistics

In 2016, Fibria produced 5.02 million tons of pulp, 91% of which is exported.

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Pulp Logistics

2016 Fibria Report

Our reporting process is constantly evolving. The opening infographic of this website is the gateway to the company's practices, results and challenges throughout 2016. We invite our stakeholders to browse our online Report.