Our Essence

About Fibria

A Brazilian forestry-based company, Fibria is a world leader in the production of eucalyptus pulp. With 17,000 own employees and contractors, we have a production capacity of 5.3 million tons of pulp per year. Our mills are located in Três Lagoas (Mato Grosso do Sul), Aracruz (Espírito Santo), Jacareí (São Paulo), and Eunápolis (Bahia), where Veracel, a joint operation with Stora Enso, is located. In a partnership with Cenibra, we operate Portocel, Espírito Santo, the only Brazilian port specializing in shipment of pulp.


1 In thousands of tons (t). Rounded numbers.

In North America, we have two other fronts, which complement our business strategy. The Fibria Innovations research center is dedicated to development and applications for lignin. At Ensyn Corporation, in which we have 12.6% interest, we are investing in renewable fuels from biomass.

Our forestry activities, based on renewable forests, cover an area of 1,056,000 hectares, of which 363,000 are intended for environmental conservation. This total area includes wood purchased from our suppliers for complementary supply to our mills.

We export to 38 countries with the support of trading and representative offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Our clients are the largest producers of paper, primarily in education, hygiene, and health segments.

Sales Breakdown by Region - 2016 G4-9

Sales by End Use

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