Value Chain

Forest Management

Eucalyptus forests and conservation and restoration of native forests contribute to a healthy environment, and help soil, conservation of springs, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration.

Our forestry operations are present in 257 Brazilian municipalities. Over the years, we have learned to create a relationship with our neighbors and have made of this dialogue a major competitive advantage. The ability to have conversations and listen has led Fibria to develop hundreds of initiatives aimed at social transformation, such as the Rural Land Development Program (PDRT). With the support of qualified interlocutors, we are also learning about Indigenous communities, Quilombolas, and fishermen communities of our surroundings.

Currently, Fibria produces 17.6 million m³ of wood per year. Of the total processed in our industrial units, 65% has the FSC® Forest Stewardship Council® and 61% the Cerflor/Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). The rest, from the Forestry Savings program, comes from controlled, non-certified wood.

Forestry Savings is a partnership program. Fibria subsidizes producers, provides support in structuring the forest of eucalyptus seedlings and transfers technology and knowledge. The company finances the production of its partners, whose debts are converted into wood and settled at the time of harvest. The project became one of the most successful partnerships between Fibria and rural communities, generating jobs, income, and value in the fields.

Stanley Bianchini, rural producer, and employee Luiz Gama Nunes, in Aracruz (Espírito Santo).<br>Photo: Fibria archive.Stanley Bianchini, rural producer, and employee Luiz Gama Nunes, in Aracruz (Espírito Santo).
Photo: Fibria archive.