Value Chain

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)

A possible opportunity to generate value for the company and society. That is how, since 2015, the discussion about planting genetically modified eucalyptus has been treated by Fibria and representatives of universities and non-governmental organizations. Together, we are investing in studies and extensive dialogue to evaluate the potential and the social and environmental impacts of GMOs.

Fibria's first steps in this segment were to create and disseminate our policy related to genetically modified eucalyptus, hear the opinion of our stakeholders in Brazil and abroad, and invite professionals from different fields to discuss the aspect with us.

In 2016, this work became even more consistent with activities aimed at Fibria's internal engagement processes and the creation of the External Technical Group, comprised of researchers from academia, experts in different areas and researchers from Fibria. This Group’s objectives include:

  • to define and establish relevant biosafety studies for an eventual commercial release of genetically modified eucalyptus (GM Eucalyptus);
  • to provide transparency whilst conducting biosafety studies for the commercial release of GM Eucalyptus;
  • to build dialogue with key stakeholders about the progress of this research at Fibria.

In the agenda for the year, we covered aspects such as the effect of GM Eucalyptus in the dynamics of pollinators and their impacts on the production of honey and water consumption. We also discussed the subject in forums such as the New Generation Plantation, by WWF, and the Economic Chamber, of the FSC®.

Fibria and its partners have not set a deadline for completing this work. It is certain, however, that the technology will only be implemented by the company if the genetically modified eucalyptus are shown to be adequate to social and environmental best practices, taking into consideration the actions and the participation of society.

Learn about Fibria's GM Eucalyptus policy.