Value Chain

Impacts on Communities


Prevention of odor generated by the chemical processes for the production of pulp is an ongoing activity within Fibria. The idea is to increasingly mitigate discomfort of the communities surrounding the plants.

Since 2012, Fibria has invested approximately BRL 8 million per year in gas containment and treatment systems. In Jacareí, São Paulo, where our mill is located close to the city, communities have been much less exposed to the problem for the last three years. By 2016, however, issues of operational stability, coupled with a more rigorous winter (which reduces dispersion of gases), caused more odor events.

In addition to the communication channels suitable for any questions, complaints, and suggestions related to our industrial operations, residents of the area participate in the Odor Perception Networks - groups of volunteers trained to register and transmit to Fibria information about the odors of our industrial process -, helping us mitigate the impact caused by the chemical processes in pulp production.

Barra do Riacho

In 2016, the video “Rio Riacho: o antes, o agora e o depois” ("Rio Riacho: before, now, and after"), developed by the youth of Barra do Riacho, Vila do Riacho, and Barra do Sahy, in Aracruz, won second place for the Ecology Award in the Environmental Short film category. An initiative of the government of the state of Espírito Santo, acknowledged as one of the most important in the state's environment area.  

The theme chosen this year for the Ecology Award was “Crise Hídrica - Ações e Soluções” ("Water Crisis - Actions and Solutions"), addressing one of the main problems of today. The film portrays the reality of the community and its relationship with the river and was produced by about 30 young adults who participated in the drama, photography, and video workshops of our Environmental Education Program (PEA).

Selected from 45 videos submitted, the work was among the popular jury's top five and, after evaluation, was chosen second by the technical jury, composed of filmmakers and environmental educators.

The PEA workshops have produced great results in the community. A group of three young adults has already set up a video production company in Barra do Riacho, and this work has become a source of income. The award has already motivated other young adults to also set up production companies.

Jacareí Industrial Unit (São Paulo). Photo: Fibria archive.Jacareí Industrial Unit (São Paulo). Photo: Fibria archive.


All Fibria's units have communication channels available to neighboring communities and other audiences interested in its business, to record environmental, forestry, and industrial incidents.

In the Jacareí (São Paulo) mill, between 2015 and 2016, there was a reduction in the record of incidents and operational complaints. The incidents recorded dropped from 313 to 196 and the complaints from 190 to 138. Historically, most of the complaints are related to transportation of wood.

There was a significant increase in the number of incidents reported and complaints presented in Três Lagoas (Mato Grosso do Sul) in 2015 and 2016 compared with the previous years. In 2014, for example, there were 21 recorded incidents and 12 complaints. By 2016, the numbers jumped to 127 recorded incidents and 67 complaints. The increase in the number of incidents is associated with the beginning of the works to expand the unit, in 2015. Most of the records refer to the impacts of forest management, with emphasis on transportation of wood.

In the Aracruz mill, between 2015 and 2016, there was a drop in recorded incidents (from 894 to 282) and an increase in the number of complaints (from 282 to 350). This is due to the expansion of our operations in regions of Minas Gerais, Bahia, and Southern Espírito Santo, where we were not present before.