Business Model

Long Term Goals

In 2011, with the support of the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Committee, Fibria established its long-term goals. A set of commitments, prepared based on our strategic pillars and priority aspects for the company, that will guide Fibria until 2025.

Our goals aren't static and can evolve and receive new commitments, such as the goals defined in 2016 to reduce water consumption in our forest, nursery and industry operations.

Our objective for the long-term goals is to ensure the implementation of the strategy and sustainability of the business. See the results for 2016.

Objective: optimize the use of natural resources


Reduce by one third the amount of land needed for pulp production


Increasing productivity from 10 tons of pulp/ha/year in 2011 to 15 tons/ha/year in 2025, by means of:

  • techniques of classic genetic improvement and of silviculture 

  • improvement of forest management 

  • increased industrial productivity 


  • lower concentration of land ownership 

  • greater availability of land for other uses 

  • increased competitiveness and greater return to shareholders 

1 Air-dry ton.
NOTE: there are no annual goals, only every 5 years.

Objective: contribute to mitigation of greenhouse gases


Double carbon absorption from the atmosphere


Increasing net sequestration from 5.5 million tCO2eq/year in 2011 to 11.1 million tCO2eq/year in 2025, through:

  • increase in forest areas (eucalyptus forests and conservation areas) 

  • restoration of degraded areas with native species 


  • reduction in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 

NOTE: net annual sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere is defined by the difference between total sequestration of planted and native forests and direct and indirect carbon emissions from forestry, industrial, and logistics operations throughout the pulp production cycle, from nursery to client.

Objective: protect biodiversity


Promote the environmental restoration of 40,000 hectares of own areas between 2012 and 2025


  • planting native forest species 

  • promoting and implementing natural regeneration of native species 

  • eliminating degradation factors and exotic species 


  • enrichment of wildlife and flora, including endangered species, in the Atlantic Rainforest and Cerrado Biomes 

  • expansion of environmental services - carbon sequestration and water availability and quality, among others - of areas whose original characteristics were altered due to human activities 

NOTE: this goal does not consider Fibria's support to restoration projects in third-party areas, developed through agreements with other entities.

Objective: increase eco-efficiency


Reduce by 91% the volume of industrial solid waste disposed of in own or third-party landfills


Reducing from 60 kg/ton of pulp produced in 2011 to 5 kg/ton of pulp produced in 2025, through:

  • reduction of waste generation in mills 

  • reuse of waste in the soil 


  • reduction of impacts and risks from industrial landfills 

  • increased eco-efficiency in the company's production processes 

  • cost reduction for waste disposal and substitution of inputs 

1 Waste generation increased between 2016 and 2017 and we had difficulty marketing it. While the results for 2016 proved unfavorable compared with the previous year, initiatives and investments made indicate a long-term reduction in disposal of waste in landfills This implies that, in coming years, results will be balanced given the ongoing initiatives.

Objective: strengthen interaction between company and society


Achieve 80% approval in neighboring communities (read more on page Favorability Survey)


Raising the approval rate in neighboring communities from 50% in 2011 to 80% in 2025, through:

  • improvement in the quality of relationships with communities 

  • support to local development projects 

  • inclusion of the community into the company's value chain 


  • harmonious coexistence with neighboring communities 

  • environment conducive to local development 

NOTE: approval rate measured through surveys conducted every three years.


Help communities make self-sustaining 70% of income-generation projects supported by companies


Evolving from 5% of self-sustaining projects in 2011 to 70% in 2025, through:

  • expansion of the Rural Land Development Program (PDRT) model 

  • promotion of technical and managerial training, through consulting companies and partnerships 

  • attraction of support from other partners 


  • social inclusion of communities, reducing their social and economic vulnerability 

  • protagonism of the community in its development process 

  • increased managerial and technical qualification of community members 

  • autonomy of communities in relation to private and public sectors  

  • stimulus to the development of social capital 

  • reduction of conflicts and maintenance of good coexistence with neighboring communities