Value Chain

Operational Dialogue

Success of the forestry operations depends on how Fibria relates to people impacted by our activities. How can we integrate the interests of these locations in the conduction and management of our business? In order to minimize the impact of our operations, we rely on the Operational Dialogue - meetings in which we present to the representatives of the communities the harvest plan beforehand.

With each new cycle of wood transport to the mills, we detail the operation and together determine whether the frequency, timing and route are adequate. The proposal is to define ways for Fibria to avoid or mitigate negative interferences in the chosen routes, such as noise and dust.

In 2016, we held 654 dialogues with approximately 6,500 representatives from all communities impacted by silviculture, harvesting, and wood transportation operations. We also started a dialogue about logistics operations and other industrial activities.

At the end of each cycle, the plans implemented by Fibria are evaluated in individual interviews with community residents, appointed in the dialogue meetings. The 2016 result shows that community satisfaction in relation to the plan increased by 10% in the overall comparison with 2015, especially in the São Paulo forestry operations, which reached maximum satisfaction.

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1 Includes Capão Bonito and Vale do Paraíba. Note: After completion of the forestry operations, the community involved evaluates the process based on a questionnaire applied by the Operational Dialogue team. Each answer receives one of the following scores: good (3), fair (2), poor (1), bad (0). The final score is a weighted average.

Operational Dialogue in São Luiz do Paraitinga (São Paulo).<br>Photo: Márcio Schimming.Operational Dialogue in São Luiz do Paraitinga (São Paulo).
Photo: Márcio Schimming.