Business Model

Restrictions from National Water Agency


Even with the flow restriction imposed by the National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Água - ANA) in the operation of the Paraíba do Sul River, we had no impact on pulp production or any problem with water withdrawal at the Jacareí, São Paulo, industrial mill. This is due to the strategy adopted by Fibria, which for many years has worked using the concept of eco-efficiency when it comes to water use in its operations.


The State Agency of Water Resources (AGERH) issued a State of Alert warning in all watersheds in the State of Espírito Santo. The main restrictions were:

  • prohibition of surface water withdrawal, during the daytime, between 5:00 am and 6:00 pm, except for human consumption; 

  • full prohibition of water withdrawal at spots located upstream from public supply systems in watersheds in critical situation.

The spots under full restriction were registered in the company's cartographic base, generating maps with information on the projects in which operation should suspend withdrawal. In other spots, the challenge was to change the operational routine in order to respect withdrawal constraints.

Some examples of solutions include changing planting schedules, including redistribution of planting operations to areas with greater water availability; changing withdrawal routine, providing water trucks for operation during nighttime; and reuse of nursery irrigation water (Aracruz) at the planting fronts; among others.

With the eco-efficiency program, along with the historic strategy of building reservoirs for industrial water supply, Fibria managed to overcome this challenge without any impact to its operations.

Another highlight in the unit was the water treatment carried out on the Caboclo Bernardo Canal, which connects the Doce River to Vila do Riacho, in Aracruz, Espírito Santo. The action resulted in availability of this resource for communities. At critical times of water shortage, it also allows Fibria to use water from our reservoirs to supply the city of Aracruz, Espírito Santo.