Business Model

Short Term Goals

Fibria sets annual goals that contribute to achieving the Long-Term Goals.

Update and assess the current relationship scenario with critical and strategic stakeholders in the states of Espírito Santo and Bahia. Identify, update, and reassess existing risks and conflicts, aligning internal drivers and reviewing the strategies of the company areas involved.Goal 4y achieved
The action plan was developed.
Implement the action plan.
Establish and strengthen governance, and give visibility to the Responsible Network in order to make the program better known (inside and outside the company, nationally and internationally) and more attractive. Increase funding and the number and quality of partners, including international partners (funds and companies).Goal achievedContinue to raise funds, improve both quantity and diversity of participants.
Begin a broad dialogue on the Quilombola land issue in Espírito Santo, with the participation of the community and official agents.Goal partially achieved
Work has begun, but the developments will occur in 2017.
Same goal as 2016.
Increase multi-use forest programs through silvopastoral projects in São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.Goal not achievedSame goal as 2016.
Start the restoration process of 2,601 hectares.Goal achieved
Restoration process started on 2,808 hectares.
Start the restoration process of 1,729 hectares.
Implement a strategy for supply chain management that considers social and environmental criteria in its various stages.Goal achieved
• Diagnosis carried out to map current sustainability initiatives in the chain
• Creation of the Integrated Sustainable Supply Strategy
• Internal workshop carried out to define broad lines of action
• Conduct a Workshop with Suppliers to present the Sustainable Supply Strategy and listen to their perceptions of the proposed actions
• Creation of a Supplier Relationship Manual and conduction of on-site audits
Create a diversity program.Goal achieved
• Internal Diversity Diagnosis performed
• Benchmarking of initiatives to value Diversity. The result can be found in the report
• Raising awareness among Senior Management
• Creation and Kickoff of the Diversity Committee.
Creation of the institutional positioning regarding Diversity.
Develop water goals for nurseries, planted forests, and industry.Goal achieved
Water goals for nurseries, planted forests, and industry were defined.
  • Reach 29.1 m³/adt of water withdrawal in the Industry. 
  • Carry out work along with the São Paulo Forestry Forum in the Rio do Peixe watershed, including initiatives with various consumers in the watershed. The goal is to influence water management. 
  • Carry out a diagnosis and proposal for actions regarding sustainability along with Fibria's neighbors, in all units. 

New Short-Term Goal for 2017


  • Mapping of ecosystem services associated with the company and proposal for quantification and/or monetization.

  • Development of the application of our carbon price in internal projects.