GRI content summary G4-32


Strategy and analysis
G4-1 Message from the President
Organizational Profile
G4-3 Name of organization
G4-4 Major Brands, Products and Services
G4-5 Location of organization's headquarters
G4-6 Countries where the main operations are or those most relevant to the sustainability aspects of the report
G4-7 Type and legal nature of the property
G4-8 Markets in which the organization operates
G4-9 Size of organization
G4-10 Perfil dos empregados UNGC
G4-11 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements UNGC98% because it disregards the Executive Managers that are managed by an Ultra Corporate Policy.
G4-12 Description of the organization's supply chain
G4-13 Significant changes in size, structure, shareholding and supply chainThere were no significant changes in the size, shareholding and chain of suppliers.
G4-14 If and how the organization adopts the precautionary approach or principle
G4-15 Letters, principles or other initiatives developed externally
G4-16 Participation in associations and organizationsOxiteno actively participates in the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim) and its committees. Among the initiatives, it is part of the Responsible Action® Program, which establishes the commitment for the implementation of actions related to health, safety and environmental management systems.
Material aspects identified and limits
G4-17 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements and entities not covered by the reportThe information presented in this report refers to Brazil, a more significant operation, and, where possible, extends to international units. The financial statements are disclosed by Ultrapar holding company and include all Oxiteno units.
G4-18 Process of defining the content of the report
G4-19 List of material topics
G4-20 Limit, outside the organization, of each aspect
G4-21 Limit, outside the organization, of each aspect
G4-22 Reformulations of information provided in previous reportsReformulations, when they occur, are indicated in the notes of the tables.
G4-23 Significant changes to the scope and limits of material aspects over previous reports
Stakeholder Engagement
G4-24 List of stakeholders groups engaged by the organization
G4-25 Base used for the identification and selection of stakeholders for engagement
G4-26 Approach to engage stakeholders
G4-27 Key topics and concerns raised during engagement by stakeholders group
Report Profile
G4-28 Period covered by the report
G4-29 Date of most recent previous report
G4-30 Reporting cycle
G4-31 Contact for questions about the report or its content
G4-32 Option to apply the guidelines and location of the GRI table
G4-33 Policy and current practice regarding the search for external verification for the report
G4-34 Governance structure of the organization
Ethics and integrity
G4-56 Governance structure of the organization


Economic category
UNGC economic performanceG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EC4 Financial aid received from government
Indirect economic impactsG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EC8 Description of significant indirect economic impacts
Purchasing PracticesG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EC9 Policies, practices and proportion of spending on local suppliers
UNGC environmental category
EnergyG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organizationInformation not available: energy consumption broken down by renewable and non- renewable source.
G4-EN5 Energy intensity
WaterG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN8 Total water withdrawal by source
G4-EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused
EmissionsG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN15 Direct emissions of greenhouse gases
G4-EN16 Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases from the purchase of energy
G4-EN18 Intensity of GHG emissions
G4-EN19 Reduction of GHG emissions
Effluents and wasteG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN23 Total weight of waste, broken down by type and method of disposal
Products and servicesG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN27 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts
Environmental evaluation of suppliersG4-DMA Form of management
G4-EN32 Percentage of new suppliers selected based on environmental criteria
Social category - labor practices and decent work UNGC
EmploymentG4-DMA Form of management
G4-LA1 Total number and rates of new hires and employee turnover – BRAZIL
Health and safety in the workplaceG4-DMA Form of management
G4-LA6 Rates of injuries, occupational diseases and lost days
G4-LA7 Employees with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation
TrainingG4-DMA Form of management
G4-LA9 Average number of hours of training
G4-LA10 Programs of management of competences and continuous learning
Diversity and equal opportunitiesG4-DMA Form of management
G4-LA12G4-LA12 Composition of groups responsible for governance and discrimination of employees by functional category
Equal pay for women and menG4-DMA Form of management
G4-LA13 Proportion of basic salary between women and men
Social category - product liability
Customer's Health and safetyG4-DMA Form of management
G4-PR1 Assessment of health and safety impacts during the life cycle of products and services