Report 2012

Eventos e campanhas

Environmental Education

Several activities and initiatives complement the inpEV activity of disposal of post-consumer containers of pesticides. One of them is the Campo Environmental Education Program, which provides schools with materials that have pedagogical content on environmental topics, aligned with the recommendations of the National Curricular Parameters of the Ministry of Education. In its third edition, this program has provided materials to 1,058 participating schools from 147 municipalities, in 14 states, involving 81,204 students from 3,973 classrooms of the 4th and 5th grades - Primary/Middle education levels (see table below). <4.16 and 4.17>

Main indicators of the Environmental Education Program

Year 2010 2011 2012
Number of schools 1,022 1,001 1,058
Classrooms of 4th and 5th grades 2,364 3,842 3,973
Number of municipalities involved 163 164 147
Participants in the drawing contest 42,056 42,061 39,757
Participants in the writing contest 25,921 39,813 36,165

With the distribution of around 2,600 pedagogical kits to participating schools, the students were encouraged to participate in the drawing contest, whose theme was “The environment and the well-being in the farm”, and the writing contest, whose theme was “My attitudes to make the planet a better place to live”. In total, 39,757 drawings and 36,165 texts were submitted.

The activities were complemented with a new category exclusively developed to teachers and schools. The best educational activities performed under the Environmental Education Program on the National Day of Campo Limpo (officially celebrated on August 18 since 2005) were reported on <>

The schools involved in the Environmental Education Program also participated in the National Day of Campo Limpo. The students develop activities to celebrate the date and participate of other actions, including cultural presentations, educational lectures, exhibitions and visits to container receiving units of the Campo Limpo System.

The intention is to transmit messages to children that emphasize the importance of environmental preservation. In 2012, these activities involved 72,028 people, more than the 67,649 participants in 2011. In total, 97 container receiving units from 21 states participated in these actions.

Educational awareness

  2009 2010 2011 2012
Number of people involved (National Day of Campo Limpo + EEP*) 112,638 139,616 122,772 127,592
National Day of Campo Limpo – people involved** NA 90,392 67,649 72,028
Number of states 23 23 21 21
Number of container receiving units participating in the event 99 98 99 97
Campo Limpo Environmental Education Program NA 70,916 81,818 81,204
Number of container receiving centers that registered schools NA 80 88 71
Number of schools involved NA 1,022 1,001 1,058
Classrooms of 4th and 5th grades under the EEP NA 2,364 3,842 3,973
Municipalities involved in the EEP NA 163 164 147
Participants in the drawing contest 41,871 42,056 42,061 39,757
Participants in the writing contest 17,349 25,921 39,813 36,165

* EPP = Campo Limpo Environmental Education Program, theme: “Lifecycle of containers”.

** People involved in the doors open day, community and activities at schools, informal category.

- 64 container receiving centers with doors open.

- 1,230 schools involved, 1,058 of them participating in the Campo Limpo Environmental Education Program.

Institutional Presence

Complementing the educational actions, representatives of inpEV and the Campo Limpo System participated in more than 100 events in 2012 (farm days, lectures, workshops, exhibitions and events with own booth). In other places, the booth of the Campo Limpo System was present at ShowTec, in Maracaju (MS), Show Rural Coopavel, in Cascavel (PR), Expodireto Cotrijal, in Não-Me-Toque (RS), TecnoShow Comigo, in Rio Verde (GO) and Agrobrasília, in the Federal District, all of them with the exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of inpEV and the system, with the slogan “10 years all all dedication to the environment and agriculture”. <4.16 and 4.17>

At Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June in Rio de Janeiro, the institute was invited to present the case of reverse logistics for empty containers of pesticides at a panel that gathered post-consumer disposal initiatives from other sectors. There, the institute showed results of the Campo Limpo System Ecoefficiency study and exhibited information about the system at SustainAgro, organized by agribusiness entities.

Greater participation in events, promotion of local campaigns (itinerant container receiving units), increase in container disposal month after month, inaugurations of container receiving units and the National Day of Campo Limpo were the main topics reported by national media vehicles.

Main events with the participation of inpEV and the Campo Limpo System in 2012

Month Period Event Municipality State
January 18 to 20 Feira de Agronegócios C Vale Palotina PR
January 25 to 27 ShowTec Maracaju Maracaju MS
January 25 to 28 Itaipú Rural Show Pinhalzinho SC
February 6 to 10 Show Rural Coopavel Cascavel PR
March 5 to 9 Expodireto Cotrijal Não-Me-Toque RS
March 7 to 8 TecnoAgro Chapadão Chapadão do Sul MS
March 21 to 23 Expoagro Afubra Rio Pardo RS
April 9 to 13 Tecnoshow Comigo Rio Verde GO
May 15 to 19 Agrobrasília Federal District DF
September 6 to 9 Expo Giruá Giruá RS
October 11 to 21 Expoijui Fenadi – Feira de negócios Giruá RS

In 2012, a relationship program was intensified to place the institute closer to the main media vehicles. As a result of this program, 3,937 articles were published about inpEV and the Campo Limpo System by different media vehicles, 22% more than the 3,237 articles published in 2011. In 2012, the number of newsletters sent to a selected mailing list (virtual newsletter sent to more than 8,000 people) increased from 8 to 11, showing the strengthened institutional image of inpEV.

Main results of the relationship with the strategic groups of inpEV <4.16 and 4.17>

Initiatives 2009 2010 2011 2012
Requests to the “Contact Us” section of the website 851 667 618 501
Newsletters sent (1) 3 7 8 11
Editions of inpEV Newsletter (2) 4 3 3 4
Virtual training (3) 1,103 1,717 1,023 493
People involved in the National Day of Campo Limpo and the Environmental Education Program 112,638 139,161 122,772 127,592
Articles published about the Campo Limpo System and inpEV 1,274 2,436 3,237 3,937
Events with the presence of the Campo Limpo System 168 157 125 100


(1) Virtual newsletter sent to more than 8,000 people.

(2) The inpEV Newsletter is a bimonthly publication of 10,000 copies.

(3) This number refers to users that started the training on container disposal. In total, 429 people concluded the training.

The analysis of issues related to the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) and possible impacts on the program of reverse logistics for empty containers of pesticides is also conducted with the participation of inpEV, at workgroup meetings (GT3). These meetings, organized by the CNI - Confederação Nacional da Indústria (Brazilian Confederation of Industry), address aspects of incentive to research, tax relief and credit lines of federal financial institutions to the PNRS. This initiative promotes, among other aspects, reduction of costs for the activities conducted under the Campo Limpo System. <SO5>

In 2012, some monthly meetings were held of a group comprised of the chairman and the Legal Support of inpEV to identify potential proposed law that could have positive or negative impacts on the system operation. This work analyzes several proposed laws, including those amending the National Solid Waste Policy or those that create state policies of solid waste. Today, this group tracks 56 proposed laws. <4.16 and 4.17>

Tripartite Responsibility

inpEV does not receive financial support from the government, and the government is not part of the institute’s structure. However, the responsibility for awareness and education of rural producers and other links of the Campo Limpo System chain is configured as a tripartite system, that is, the industry (manufacturers of pesticide), trading companies and public authorities from the municipal, state and federal levels share such responsibility. <EC4>

Thus, the interaction with several state and municipal bodies has been constant. These bodies support the initiatives towards education, especially of rural producers, disseminating the importance of triple rising and return of every empty container to the place indicated on the invoice. In some states, inspection bodies identify multipliers within their structure to promote awareness among rural producers. The institute, in turn, creates educational kits with videos, brochures and flip charts to disseminate its messages.

The Interdisciplinary Workgroup for Pesticide Disposal (GT) was created by Joint Resolution of SMA/SAA nº 002, of May 29, 2009, to estimate costs and analyze the technical recommendations of stowage, return, temporary storage, transportation and final disposal, providing a proper end to all remaining obsolete pesticides in the State of São Paulo. This workgroup had the participation of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Food Supply, through its Technical Support Division (Cati) and Farming Activity Defense (CDA), the Secretariat of the Environment, through Cetesb, and the Stockholm Convention Regional Center. The private sector was represented by Andav - Associação Nacional dos Distribuidores de Insumos Agrícolas e Veterinários (the Brazilian Association of Distributors of Agricultural and Veterinary Products), Faesp - Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Estado de São Paulo (Federation of Agriculture and Livestock – State of São Paulo), inpEV and Ocesp - Organização das Cooperativas do Estado de São Paulo (Organization of Cooperatives – State of São Paulo).

The project was structured during ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the GT, when activities for project execution and attracting financial resources were also planned. The GT made an investigation with rural producers to find out how much obsolete pesticides they had in their farms in the State of São Paulo after the prohibition in the 1980s.

With the results obtained in the mapping phase, 327 statements were received, totaling around 270 tons of obsolete pesticides. The GT developed the project for disposal of declared obsolete pesticides, which will be implemented in 2013.

In this context, inpEV also participated in a pioneer program to eliminate farmers’ self-declaration of BHC and other obsolete pesticides prohibited by law, in Paraná, in partnership with the state government and other representatives of the private sector.

In 2012, 831 tons of obsolete pesticides were disposed of. For 2013, this operation may perform the disposal of remaining 392 tons of these products.

Disposal of seed bags

The operations of inpEV is even more comprehensive when considering the results of the study on disposal of post-consumer containers (bags of treated seeds of corn and cotton) of this sector, represented by the APPS - Associação Paulista dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas (SP Association of Producers of Seeds and Seedlings). Developed in 2012, this action intended to present options for the disposal of post-consumer seed bags. The pilot project, which involved some regions of the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Mato Grosso, may be concluded in 2013.

This initiative, whose goal was to find solutions for the sector and promote synergies, also conducted trainings to qualify regional operation coordinators (CROs) at seven regional container receiving centers, as well as nine meetings that involved participating companies to discuss dissemination and monitoring activities at receiving sites, with analysis of positive and negative factors. Until February 2013, 23 tons of bags had been received.

Empty containers of sanitizing products

Between November 2011 and August 2012, inpEV conducted a pilot project to promote the proper disposal of empty containers of sanitizers/disinfectants for professional use (urban vector and pest control), in the metropolitan regions of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife, in partnership with the Abas – Associação Brasileira de Aerossóis e Saneantes Domissanitários (Brazilian Association of Aerosols and Household Cleaning Products).

In total, 15,200 kilos of containers were received and properly disposed of in this period. The initiative produced a report with recommendations and directions to the sector on how to perform this type of work.