Opening up access to Higher Education

Kroton believes in social inclusion by means of quality education. To ensure everyone has access to formal education, the company has expanded its activities to diverse Brazilian states.

In Kroton institutions, 258,794 students use the Ministry of Education's Fies fund (Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudante de Ensino Superior), a program to finance students on undergraduate programs. Another key instrument in opening up access to higher education is the federal government's ProUni (Programa Universidade para Todos) program. Kroton has also increased enrollments in vocational technical courses through the Pronatec (Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego) program.

Students may also apply for different study scholarships through agreements with public organizations and private companies. To ensure all the requirements and processes for the use of such benefits are observed, Kroton has a specific area to manage policies and the concession of study grants. Moreover, the organization provides students with support and guidance in obtaining student credits to help them continue their studies.


The NUEEI (Portuguese acronym for Inclusive Special Education Center) is responsible for inclusion and for ensuring that academics with special needs are able to successfully enroll in and complete higher education courses. This involves planning, monitoring and providing special services that can include advice, the adaptation of materials and the ongoing training of the instructors and teachers responsible for these students' learning.

Specialized Educational Services (AEE) – 2014
By disability

  • Visual: 428
  • Hearing: 313
  • Physical: 259
  • Intellectual: 21
  • Multiple: 13
  • General developmental disorder: 10
  • Disorder-specific functional abnormalities: 47
  • Deaf-blind: 5