Environmental performance



In 2014, the organization estimated its energy consumption. The calculation took into account the amount paid by Kroton and the average tariffs charged by energy distributors in different regions. A total of 461 GJ of electricity was consumed in the units in São Paulo (24%), Minas Gerais (17%) and Mato Grosso (14%).

The company has sought ways of optimizing energy consumption. In 2014, LED light bulbs were installed in 11 units. Additionally, a pilot project is underway in the corporate office in Valinhos (SP) to implement an intelligent system to automatically turn off lights and the air conditioning system. At the end of the working day, an warning light comes on in the rooms. If the light switch is activated, the lighting remains on. If there is nobody in the room, it is turned off.

We are also investing in the automation of installations in the building in order to control and optimize electricity consumption. It is expected that consumption will be reduced by up to 7%.



Initiatives to harvest rainwater and to use of underground wells have helped improved management of water resources at Kroton. At the corporate office in Valinhos (SP), a treatment plant was installed in a semi-Artesian well to enable water reuse.

As part of the Rational Water Use program, the air conditioning system controls were automated. In certain cases the controls were replaced with more efficient ones that consume less, leading to 20% reduction in consumption. Kroton also uses automatic taps and flow reduction valves in its offices. A project is underway to replicate this measure in all units to help reduce water consumption.

The main water withdrawal sources are local utilities and supply companies, which represent around 90% of the volume used by Kroton. In 2014, water consumption was calculated based on the amounts paid and the average amount charged per m3 by the utilities. The total amount consumed was 1.7 million m3.