Corporate Governance

In order to tally with best managerial practices, inpEV reports its activities on an annual basis

inpEV follows a governance model guided by strict auditing and control standards, always basing itself on best practices. With this directive, it consolidates and discloses its results on an annual basis covering its activities and operations in accordance with the Brazilian accounting principles, under the supervision of an independent team of external auditors, besides the opinion of the Institute’s Fiscal Council. <4.1>

At least two initiatives are worth highlighting in the governance realm: the evaluation system, instituted in 2010, by which, based on performance indicators, the Board periodically assesses inpEV’s results, and the Dashboard, a management tool used since 2012 to follow the main indicators on a monthly basis.

As a part of the strategic planning, the definition meetings, the follow-up and the evaluation of corporate projects can be highlighted. Such projects, considered as fundamental for inpEV to achieve its strategic objectives, rely on the participation of cross-functional teams based on a process structured over several years and that has been improved over time.