A Focus on Sustainability
Engagement with society
In 2013, GPA invested
R$ 7,297,568
68 in the Instituto GPA
Through a variety of partnerships, GPA seeks to collaborate toward socio-environmental and economic improvement of the communities in which it does business, and to promote health through sports.
One example of this is at Pão de Açúcar, which held four relay marathons and four children’s runs, and invested in 79 professional athletes. In 2013, the Pão de Açúcar Relay Marathon involved 7,000 participants in Brasília, 11,000 in Rio de Janeiro, 12,000 in Fortaleza and 36,000 in São Paulo. The Pão de Açúcar Kids Runs involved 5,000 children in São Paulo, 1,200 in Fortaleza, 1,200 in Brasília and 1,200 in Rio de Janeiro.
Extra promotes monthly bike rides that involved a total of 4,000 people in 2013. The Núcleo de Alto Rendimento (NAR) evaluates athletes and had 390 new athletes and 817 consultations last year.
Both the bike rides and the relay marathons are eco-friendly, stimulating the use of pollution-free transport, neutralizing carbon emissions through segregated collection and recycling materials that are collected at the events and donated to cooperatives (500 kilos in 2013 alone).
For 2014, the objective is to increase the number of participants in the Pão de Açúcar kids runs in Rio de Janeiro, the Federal District and Fortaleza by 10%, and to increase the number of bike rides by 10%, while expanding to other regions, such as Campinas and Ribeirão Preto, in São Paulo state.
In addition, to back its positioning, GPA is the principal sponsor of the Instituto GPA, which manages the Company’s private social investments.
Instituto GPA was created in 1998 to promote the development of youth and children, through educational, social and cultural activities – one of the Group’s commitments. Its initiatives are oriented toward fomenting and developing people’s potential, providing better conditions for health, housing, education, training and professional specialization. Instituto GPA believes that economic growth translates into improvements in everyone’s living conditions.
In this transformative process, education is the principal tool for building concrete civic actions and fighting for a more just society. Educational programs that stimulate employability and entrepreneurialism are offered free of charge. It is focused on Osasco and Santos in São Paulo state, Rio de Janeiro and São Gonçalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília.
High school education integrated with professional technical training courses.
With actions to encourage voluntarism and social campaigns.
Initiatives of the Instituto GPA
> The Instituto GPA Music &
Orchestra Program
> Advanced Nucleus in Food
Technology (NATA)
> Program for retail training
(cashiers and stockers)
> Call center computing course
> Online English course
> Panis Et Lactis’ Technological Convention
> Day of solidarity
> Campaigns to collect books, toys, clothes and coats
> Volunteerism
> The Prosper Program
The Instituto GPA Music & Orchestra Program <SO1>
Created in 1999, the program offers 2-year courses for strings, wind instruments and percussion for youth aged 10-18. In addition to learning about music and culture, students develop discipline, culture, concentration, team spirit and civic virtue.
The program, which in 2013 was approved under the federal government’s Rouanet Support for Culture Law, is conducted at four of the Instituto’s Casas, in Osasco (SP), Santos (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Brasília (DF). Outstanding talent joins the Instituto GPA Orchestras until they turn 21. During the year, there were 13 music classes, and for 2014, the objective is to create two new classes in the city of São Paulo. The highlights for 2013 were:
> Eight members of Instituto GPA Orchestra participated in a music course in partnership with the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.
> Students aged 11-17 participated in the 4th Iguazú en Concierto, the international festival for children’s and youth orchestras and choirs, in Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, where they performed four times for an audience of 8,000 people.
> 25 youth from the Instituto GPA Orchestra toured in France, where they participated in the Casino award ceremony and played for employees at the national headquarters.
Advanced Nucleus in Food Technology (NATA) <SO1>
The result of a partnership between Rio’s Department of Education (Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro - SEEDUC/RJ), the Department of Fishing and Supply (Secretaria de Agricultura, Pecuária, Pesca e Abastecimento do Rio de Janeiro - SEAPPA/RJ), GPA and the Instituto GPA, NATA offers a high school education integrated with professional technical training.
Developed at the Colégio Estadual Comendador Valentim dos Santos Diniz, the disciplines of high school are mixed with technical and professional skills. The school was built in May of 2009, and has two benchmark technical training programs: Milk & Dairy Products and Baking. With capacity for 600 students, the complex has 20 classrooms, two libraries (general and technical), four labs for microbiological and chemical analyses, and two pilot plants equipped for practical application of what is learned in the classroom.
To promote employability and entrepreneurialism through educational social actions oriented towards the communities surrounding GPA’s units.
To be recognized as an agent for change, to improve human development in the communities where GPA is active.
Day of Solidarity <SO1>
Created by the Instituto GPA with support from the Casino Group Corporate Foundation, the Day of Solidarity tries to raise social consciousness on hunger and poverty in Brazil. In 2013, all Pão de Açúcar, Extra and Assaí stores participated in collecting non-perishable foods that were distributed to thousands of low-income families. Partner institutions helped mobilize to collect and distribute food throughout the country.
The Day of Solidarity was November 30 at 100 stores and December 7 at all Pão de Açúcar, Extra and Assaí stores. Three hundred 300 metric tons were collected – 200 at stores and 100 donated by the Instituto GPA.
Social mobilization <SO1>
Over the course of the year, the Instituto GPA has a variety of collection campaigns in partnership with the companies in the Group, which function as collection points for donations of coats, books and toys. Materials collected at Extra, Assaí, Pão de Açúcar, Casas Bahia and Pontofrio stores from customers and employees are sent to 300 institutions located near the stores and that are pre-selected by the Instituto GPA. In 2013, 545,921 books, 489,450 coats and 647,870 toys were collected.
Voluntarism <SO1>
Two volunteer actions by the Instituto GPA were highlights in 2013: Easter in Solidarity, involving donations of Easter eggs to low-income children, and the Charity Tree, in which employees at all the GPA businesses donate toys, clothes and shoes to children, most from shelters. In 2013, more than a thousand children were involved in the initiative. The Volunteer program involved 1,562 employees (Easter in Solidarity, Charity Tree and Santa’s Workshop) and 3,211 volunteers from partner institutions through the Day of Solidarity.
The Prosper Program <SO1>
In December of 2013, the Instituto GPA, with support from the Casino Group Corporate Foundation, formalized a partnership with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas to implement, in 2014, a scholarship program for promising low-income students for whom universities are not otherwise accessible for financial reasons. As of 2014, the Prosper Program will grant 10 scholarships a year for undergraduate programs in business administration or public administration. It is a social incentive program for education, without linkages with the Company. GPA executives will volunteer in the program to mentor these youth, to help coach and guide them based on their experiences. In addition to the scholarships, every semester, the Instituto GPA will provide financial help for purchasing didactic materials, transportation, food and housing, if the student is not from the city of São Paulo.
Training courses <SO1>
Program for retail training
Prepares professionals to act in retail functions. Two courses are provided, for cashiers and stockers. It is a continuing education program focused on initial professional training, to improve job opportunities. Youth 19 and up who are in or have completed high school participate. In 2013, the course was held in several communities in São Paulo, serving 670 students and employing 49 people with the Company. For 2014, the objective is to expand the partnerships and form 10 new classes.
Call center computer course
The objective is to develop new talent for customer service. To intensify the training, the Instituto relies on the expertise of the Comitê para Democratização da Informática (CDI), the principal partner in the project. Youth 19 and up participate in the course, and in 2013, 134 people were trained. The courses are held at Instituto GPA’s Casas in Osasco and Rio de Janeiro, at the Fundação Via Varejo in Rio de Janeiro, and at the NGO Espaço Aberto in São Paulo
Online English course online
Scholarships offered by the Instituto GPA to youth 19 and up. The methodology of the online English course is developed by EF - Education First, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, and follows the premise that learning can happen at any time. At the end of the course, students receive a certificate from Hult International Business School. The principal characteristics of the course are conversation classes, which focus on developing communication skills, and content that awakens interest to learn a new language. In 2013, 126 people benefitted.
Panis Et Lactis Technological Convention
The 2nd Panis Et Lactis Technological Convention was held in 2013 at the NATA in Vila Isabel (RJ), with 875 participants, including dairy and bakery specialists and professionals, professors, students and former students of the NATA.
Actions in partnership with the Instituto GPA
Partnership against waste
GPA stores donate foods that are not in ideal condition for display, but good for consumption, to partner institutions. In 2013, the Group signed a partnership with Mesa Brasil, a SESC initiative against hunger and waste, at 12 stores under the Extra banner (4 Hipermercados, 4 Supermercados and 4 Minimercados). The socio-educational action has a strategic system for transporting foods, establishing a connection between the companies that donate and the institutions that receive. The organ also holds classes and presentations on hygiene, conservation, and meal preparation for the beneficiary institutions.
Food collections
At 18 Extra Hipermercado stores, volunteers from the NGO Amigos
do Bem collect non-perishable foods from consumers at certain times of the year
and deliver them to families in the semiarid zone in the Brazilian Northeast. The initiative collected 619 metric tons of food in 2013.
In November of 2013, Cia. das Obras undertook the National Food Collection at 39 Extra stores, with the objective of meeting the needs of nutritional programs established by the beneficiary institutions and contributing to a balanced diet, while avoiding waste. The foods collected were donated to local food banks responsible for distributing these foods to registered entities and monitoring them to avoid poor distribution or wastage
AACD Telethon
In 2013, GPA donated R$755,000 to the Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD) for children with special needs, representing 1% of the income from sales of the panettones it makes and markets in Pão de Açúcar and Extra stores, in addition to sales of Assaí bags and the money from cash collection coffers placed at Extra checkout counters.
Por Exemplo Magazine
In 2013, R$449,027.11 from sales of Por Exemplo magazine, which is marketed exclusively at Extra Hiper stores, Extra Supermercados and drugstores, was donated to the NGOs Amigos do Bem, Casa do Zezinho, AACD, Movimento Todos Pela Educação and Parceiros da Educação.
Casa de David
The ‘Goody bag: give a gift that does good the whole year’ campaign collected kits consisting of sheets, bath towels, t-shirts, underwear and socks, products that are in high demand at the institution called Casa de David. In all, 123 goody bags were collected and Extra donated 500 goody bags and R$4,920 (corresponding to the 123 donations) to the institution to purchase foods and hygiene goods.
Others initiatives <SO1>
Assaí sends all net proceeds from plastic bags to charities spread throughout Brazil, including Casa Hope, Casa da Esperança and the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE). In 2013, more than R$1,133,136.69 was donated.
In partnership with Itaú, Assaí provides microcredit to low income merchants, to help them develop their businesses. The program is present at 17 of the chain’s stores, and in 2013 benefited six merchant customers.
Assaí, in partnership with the Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE), participates in the SEBRAE Mobile program, supporting micro- and small businesspeople. A travelling office with technical people from the institution parks beside the stores, offering guidance to local merchants on business planning, cash flow and publicity. More than 50% of Assaí stores are visited by a SEBRAE Mobile unit. Publicized over Assaí airwaves, the project provided more than 3,000 consultations at the chain’s stores in 2013 alone.
Actions of the Via Varejo Foundation <SO1>
In 2013, the Fundação Pontofrio was renamed the Fundação Via Varejo and, as of 2014, will have new lines of actuation. In 2013, the highlights were:
Undertaken in Irajá (RJ), the project has been in place for 13 years and has now received the 2nd generation of students for classes on soccer, volleyball, futsal, beginning sports and judo. The objective is to promote, through sport and educational activities, the social inclusion and the physical, intellectual and cultural development of less fortunate children and adolescents. In 2013, 500 youth aged 6–17 participated.
Tries to promote environmental education through recycling materials gathered by the community. Activities include encouraging recycling, workshops on environmental education and gymkhanas to collect materials. In 2013, 2,727 children, youth and adults participated in the initiative.
More than 2,000 people participated of in the social action held in October, in Irajá (RJ), through a partnership between the Via Varejo Foundation and the SESC, schools in the region, the Secretaria de Saúde and other public agencies. There were workshops on kites and jewelry, talks on dengue, STDs and drugs, blood pressure and glucose checks and soccer and volleyball matches, among other activities.
Friends of the Planet at School an incentive program for reading, health, environmental education and culture in Brazilian schools. Since inception in 2009, 1.3 million people at 256 schools in 19 municipalities have benefitted from projects in the areas of health, arts, education, communication and the environment. Highlights include the 134% increase in the number of books checked out by students, teachers and other visitors to the libraries at the 12 public schools involved, and an improvement of 7.3% in the grades of the students at these institutions.
Friends of the Planet - Digital Inclusion A mobile van offers free classes on computing and professional training. Since 2009, it has been present in seven cities and has had more than 6,300 enrollments.
Project and activity |
Actual or expected impacts |
Music & Orchestra Program |
In 2013, there were 590 students in the Music & Orchestra Program. The goal for 2014 is to field two new classes. |
Courses for Cashiers, Stockers |
In 2013, there were 670 students, of which 49 were employed with the Group. For 2014, the goal is to serve 1,300 students. |
Call Center Computing Course |
134 students trained in 2013. The goal for 2014 is to have four cycles of classes year round, benefiting 300 students. |
Online English Course |
126 students benefitted |
Advanced Nucleus in Food Technology (NATA) |
332 students benefitted |
Panis Et Lactis Seminar |
875 people participated |
Campaigns to Collect Books, Coats and Toys |
> Collection of 545,921 books, 489,450 coats and 647,870 toys. >Total institutions benefitting: 981 |
Day of Solidarity |
A total of 300 metric tons of foods collected: 200 metric tons collected at stores and 100 metric tons donated by the Instituto GPA. |
Voluntarism |
Nºs of Volunteers > Easter in Solidarity: 309 |
Principal initiatives and social investments of the Instituto GPA in 2013 |
Partnership Against Waste |
Donation of 2,094 metric tons of food. |
Food collections |
Food collections (in metric tons): |
AACD Telethon |
> Assaí Bags – R$ 422,089.18 |
Goody Bags - Casa de David |
Extra donated 500 kits and R$4,920 in purchases. People benefitted: 330 |
Principal initiatives and social investments of the Instituto GPA in 2013 |
Project and activity |
Actual or expected impacts |
Donation to build and maintain the surrounding |
Return to Assaí customers |
Donation of 2,300 seedlings, planting of 7,700 seedlings on surrounding land, in the parking lot, along the pavement and road signage around Assaí – Maringá/PR |
Improvements for society and the environment |
Roofing a mortuary chapel, building access to the road, remodeling a nearby school and donating 778 seedlings – Londrina/PR |
Improvements for society and the environment, benefits for Assaí customers |
Surrounding road system and for the local Hospital das Clinicas – Suzano/SP |
Return to Assaí customers and access to the Hospital for society |