A Focus on Sustainability

GPA is respected and admired for excellence in leadership, the quality of the products and services at the points of sale, the scope and impact of its activity, the agility of management, and its consistent results.

Sustainability pervades GPA’s strategy. The Company controls and monitors its products and services, toward improving them and thus reducing the environmental and social impacts of its operations, and acts as a multiplier of good socio-environmental practices, with educational programs that emphasize conscientious consumption and disposal. The objective is to propagate concrete actions for sustainable growth among all its stakeholders (employees, communities, society, customers, shareholders and suppliers). <4.14>

To perfect its performance in matters relating to the environment and society, GPA’s sustainability department was restructured at the end of 2013 (for more information, see Governance for Sustainability). This process resulted in the establishment of sustainability guidelines for the Company and all its businesses.

In the new format, each company in the Group should follow the corporate guidance in its strategic planning and in establishing goals for sustainability. The corporate team is responsible for monitoring the actions, ensuring that the companies have a synergistic relationship with GPA’s sustainability guidelines.

To put the aspiration of being an agent for social change through sustainability in practice, creating best practices for its businesses, in 2013, GPA also redefined its strategy and grounded its socio-environmental principles in accordance with the specificities of each of the Group’s business units in five transformative vectors:

> Valuing our People
> Consumo & oferta consciente
> Transformation in the Chain of Value
> Managing Environmental Impact
> Engajamento da sociedade



GPA assumes commitments and is a signatory to principles and pacts developed by national and international institutions.


Valuing our People

valuing and developing employees is one of GPA’s foci going forward


Conscientious Consumption and Supply

One of the pillars of GPA’s sustainability strategy is to encourage conscientious consumption and supply.


Transformation in the Chain of Value

GPA tries to act as an agent for change in the chain of value, developing initiatives that generate real value..


Managing Environmental Impact

One of GPA’s preoccupations is minimizing environmental impacts at its operations.


Engagement with society

GPA seeks to collaborate toward socio-environmental and economic improvement of the communities in which it does business.