About this report

This annual report reassures inpEV’s commitment towards transparency in its accountability towards society

The 2013 Sustainability Report consolidates inpEV’s performance regarding economic, environmental and social aspects, from January 1st to December 31st. This current edition includes 21 performance indicators, defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, version 3.1, one of the main references worldwide for the elaboration of corporate reports, the same adopted in 2012. <3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.9>

In this report, inpEV confirms once again its commitment towards maintaining transparency by means of its leadership and collaborators when dialoging with different audiences. The information herein is intended for all of society, authorities and representatives from other sectors of the economy, besides emissaries from countries interested in learning about the differentials and conquests that have made the Campo Limpo System (SCL) an international reference in reverse logistics.

The economic and financial indicators were ascertained in accordance with the Brazilian accounting principles, and were analyzed by an independent external auditor. Furthermore, the collection of socio-environmental data, which contemplate the administrative activities done at the headquarters and the actions developed under the scope of the SCL, were consolidated internally, with the involvement of all areas of inpEV, and were not submitted to external auditors for analysis and validation. <3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 & 3.13>

All of inpEV’s structured areas were involved in the elaboration of this report, which contents was defined by the institute with the purpose of meeting, to the extent possible, the requirements of different stakeholders. Comparability with the previous edition (2012) is ensured, since minor changes are described in the text itself or in explanatory notes. <3.5 & 3.10>