SocietyDiversified actions
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Conscientious education
Since 2010, the Environmental Educational Program, which reflects inpEV’s commitment towards the quality of life of future generations, supports the work developed by educational institutions to supplement course syllabuses, including some topics related to the environment, in alignment with the recommendations of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN [National Syllabus Parameters]) of the Ministry of Education. <PR6>
In order to assist teachers and stimulate students’ curiosity on the life cycle of packages - knowledge which they convey to their parents and relatives, thus amplifying the effectiveness of the Environmental Educational Program -, inpEV distributes multidisciplinary pedagogical kits together with municipal Educational offices, teaching centers and other educational agents.
Key indicators of the Environmental Educational Program – 2010/2013
Year |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Number of schools |
1,022 |
1,001 |
1,058 |
1,861 |
Participating 4th and 5th grade classrooms |
2,364 |
3,842 |
3,973 |
7,164 |
Cities involved |
163 |
164 |
147 |
190 |
Participants in the drawing competition |
42,056 |
42,061 |
39,757 |
29,289 |
Participants in the essay competition |
25,921 |
39,813 |
36,165 |
25,804 |
Educational awareness
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Number of people involved (DNCL + PEA) |
139.616 |
122.772 |
127.592 |
192.283 |
Campo Limpo National Day (participants)* |
90.392 |
67.649 |
72.028 |
63.343 |
Number of states |
23 |
21 |
21 |
23 |
Number of participating receiving units |
98 |
99 |
97 |
112 |
Campo Limpo Environmental Educational Program |
70.916 |
81.818 |
81.204 |
128.940 |
Number of offices that enrolled schools |
80 |
88 |
71 |
93 |
Number of schools involved |
1.022 |
1.001 |
1.058 |
1.861 |
4th and 5th grade classrooms participating in the PEA |
2.364 |
3.842 |
3.973 |
7.164 |
Cities involved in the PEA |
163 |
164 |
147 |
190 |
Participants in the drawing competition |
42.056 |
42.061 |
39.757 |
29.289 |
Participants in the essay competition |
25.921 |
39.813 |
36.165 |
25.804 |
* Total of people involved in the open door activity celebrations, in schools and communities.
- Farmers
- Collaborators
- Distributors/cooperatives
- Member entities and companies
- Employees of the receiving units
- Press
- Public power
- Partnering incinerators and recyclers
- Society
Main results of the dialog with inpEV stakeholders <4.16 & 4.17>
Type of activity |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Contact Us requests (website channel) |
667 |
618 |
501 |
539 |
Editions of the inpEV Informative Bulletin (1) |
3 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
Virtual teaching (2) |
1.717 |
1.023 |
493 |
1.151 |
Public involved in the Campo Limpo National Day and in activities of the Environmental Educational Program |
139.161 |
122.772 |
127.592 |
192.283 |
Articles published on SCL and inpEV |
2.436 |
3.237 |
3.937 |
4.649 |
Events with the presence of SCL |
157 |
125 |
100 |
204 |
1. The inpEV Informative Bulletin is published every two months with a 10,000 copy print run.
2. The number refers to the users that started the course on packaging destination. In total, 742 people have concluded the course.
Drawing and essay competitions
Two key activities of the Environmental Educational Program, the drawing and essay competitions, involved 55,093 4th and 5th grade students in 2013. The works came from 1,861 schools from 190 cities (23 states). As a way of stimulating new generations to identify such ideals, this initiative proposes, respectively, the topics “More recycling and less garbage” and “Why is recycling good for the planet?”.
The judging panel formed by representatives from member entities and companies, besides journalists, educators, educational agents and designers, awarded the three best works in each category with tablets (students), laptops (teachers) and multimedia projectors (schools).
Campo Limpo National Day
The Campo Limpo [Clean Field] National Day, celebrated on August 18, represents an opportunity to integrate communities, schools, producers, distributors, industries and authorities, in celebrating the good results of the SCL. In 2013, the opening ceremony was exceptionally held on August 16 in Taubaté (SP - São Paulo) with the presence of several authorities among the 150 participants.
Another 120 cities from 23 states also participated in this action. In order to support this date, the central offices and collection points held an Open Doors Day and this initiative was complemented with the organization of talks, theater shows, pep rallies and workshops at public locations and schools, especially intended for young audiences regarding consumption awareness and solid waste disposal.
Institutional campaigns
When making institutional campaigns, inpEV follows the guidelines established by the Código de Autoregulamentação Publicitária (Conar [Advertising Self-Regulation Code]), as well as the Copyright Law standards and all other valid norms relative to the protection of intellectual rights related to messages communicated to the public. Since the institute does not commercialize products because its activity does not have a mercantile nature, all its advertising and campaigns have a solely informative nature and are targeted at specific audiences.<PR6>
inpEV representatives participated in more than 200 events during 2013 - in some of them with its own booth (see table).
Key Brazilian agribusiness events in which inpEV and SCL participated in 2013
Month |
Period |
Event |
City |
State |
January |
23 to 25 |
ShowTec |
Maracaju |
Mato Grosso do Sul |
February |
4 to 8 |
Show Rural Coopavel |
Cascavel |
Paraná |
March |
15 to 24 |
Expoconquista 2013 |
Vitória da Conquista |
Bahia |
March |
6 and 7 |
TecnoAgro 2013 |
Chapadão do Sul |
Mato Grosso do Sul |
March |
14 |
Expodireto Cotrijal |
Não-Me-Toque |
Rio Grande do Sul |
March |
20 to 22 |
Expoagro Afubra |
Santa Cruz do Sul |
Rio Grande do Sul |
March |
14 |
Expodireto Cotrijal |
Não-Me-Toque |
Rio Grande do Sul |
March |
20 to 22 |
Expoagro Afubra |
Santa Cruz do Sul |
Rio Grande do Sul |
April |
8 to 11 |
TecnoShow Comigo |
Rio Verde |
Goiás |
April |
5 |
Agrishow 2013 |
Ribeirão Preto |
São Paulo |
May |
14 to 18 |
Agrobrasília |
Distrito Federal |
August |
3 |
Feacoop 2013 |
Bebedouro |
São Paulo |
Events abroad
In 2013, inpEV was represented by its CEO, João Cesar M. Rando, at the Annual CropLife Latin America Convention, held between April 8 to 12 in Mexico City. The entity, of which the institute is an honorary member, represents nine manufacturing companies and a network of 22 associations in 18 South-American countries, and promotes good agricultural, user and consumer health protection and environmental conservancy practices.
In Toronto, Canada, the president also participated in the Conference on Canadian Stewardship, which attracts hundreds of executives from companies, manufacturers, retailers, industrial associations, city and governmental authorities involved with management programs in North America and Europe.
Success case
The Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle and Supply dedicated a chapter of the publication Sustainable Management of Agriculture, released in March 2013, to provide information on the reverse logistical process of empty crop protection packages of the Campo Limpo System. Besides the main activities developed by SCL, another seven success stories are told by companies that also act in the agricultural sector.
inpEV offers an e-learning module at with certificate. Entitled the Final Destination of Empty Crop Protection Packaging, it addresses the legal aspects that regulate on the disposal of empty plant health packaging, the responsibilities of each SCL link and the work carried out at the packaging receiving units, as well as the care necessary for the final destination of materials (recycling or incineration), among other information.
International interest
SCL’s international recognition has also given rise to experience sharing with other countries in 2013. In March, a representative in Europe of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized a visit of a Mozambique, Africa delegation, consisting of authorities from the environment, crop protection, agriculture and food areas. The group visited the central offices of Francisco Beltrão (PR - Paraná) and Rondonópolis (MT - Mato Grosso), besides the Campo Limpo Plastic Transformation and Recycling and the receiving central office, both located in Taubaté (SP - São Paulo).
The company also received a FAO representative in Brazil, Alan Bojanic, in June 2013, besides specialists from France and Germany, countries that have well-developed reverse logistics systems, interested in differentials of the Brazilian system.
Multi-sector dialog
Another inpEV relationship front includes its participation in debates about the Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS [National Solid Waste Policy]), besides discussions on topics that may also impact the SCL activities. Towards this effect, 54 bills under revision were monitored in Congress. <SO5>
Participation in the Work Group (GT3) which includes representatives from various sectors to discuss aspects of SCL’s tax unburdening and similar programs, had as a highpoint the submittal of a study to the federal government, developed with the support of an external consultancy, on the positive impact that a tax revision would have on empty packages reverse logistics.
The intention is to continue to develop awareness among authorities in 2014 as to the importance of this topic, not only because of the reverse logistics program of empty post-consumption crop protection packaging, but also with regard to the correct final disposal of solid waste generated by other economic sectors.
Improper and obsolete crop protection products
In 2013, 74.5 tons of improper products were removed from the field, which use was impossible for specific reasons, such as overdue good through dates or damage to the original packaging.
Also, the pioneering program adopted in Paraná to dispose of crop protection products prohibited by law and/or obsolete that remained stored in rural properties since the 1980’s was concluded with the return of more than 1,200 tons of BHC and other obsolete crop protection products by producers, who voluntarily declared possession of such under the amnesty of State Law Nr. 16.082/2009. The initiative of the Paraná government, by means of the Secretary of Environment and Water Resources and the Secretary of Agriculture and Supply, involved 235 cities and counted on the participation of inpEV, the Organização das Cooperativas do Estado do Paraná (Ocepar [Organization of Cooperatives of the State of Paraná]) and of the Federação da Agricultura do Estado do Paraná (Faep [Agriculture Federation System of the State of Paraná]).
Final destination of improper products (kg)
Year |
Weight (kg) |
States |
2005 |
10,420 |
1 |
2006 |
80,811 |
4 |
2007 |
102,518 |
7 |
2008 |
179,832 |
9 |
2009 |
209,970 |
9 |
2010 |
73,310 |
7 |
2011 |
24,210 |
6 |
2012 |
54,350 |
4 |
2013 |
74,542 |
9 |
Destination of illegal products
In 2013, in partnership with the National Union of the Industry of Plant Protection Products (Sindiveg), 54.3 tons of apprehended illegal products were disposed of, representing a 12.8 ton increase (+ 31%) when compared to 2012.