Strategies and perspectives

Information management

Robust information systems that allow for decisions based on increase in productivity, reduction in costs and value capturing in the reverse logistics chain are a critical success factor for SCL. Since the start of its operations in 2012, various tools and programs have been developed, some of which are ad-hoc to provide management with reliable and up-to-date data.

Within this context, the following initiatives must be highlighted: Information System of the Central Offices (SIC), which supplies the quantity and type of material moved in real time up to the previous day in several types of grouping formats; Empty Packaging Return Scheduling, a new on-line option for farmers to schedule and return empty packaging to the SCL collection points; Logistics System (an SIC module that allows to manage the shipping value practiced by inpEV based on the value practiced by members) and the Cost Sharing System, which facilitates the calculation of SCL cost sharing among members.

Information management

Information systems that guide decision making focusing on efficiency, productivity, cost reduction and value capturing.

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