Environmental performance

Energy and water consumption

Energy consumption <EN3>

inpEV’s headquarters and the receiving units managed by the institute only consume electric power supplied by the municipal network and by concessionaires of the power system (there is no direct power consumption). In the 2013 balance, indirect energy consumption reached 67,213 kWh, or 242 GJ, thus a 16% reduction when compared to 2012, when the Rondonópolis (MT - Mato Grosso) receiving unit started being monitored.

Water consumption <EN8>

The public distribution network supplies all the water consumed at the inpEV facilities which, since 2012, monitors its own headquarters, besides the Rondonópolis (MT - Mato Grosso) receiving office. In 2013, 849 m³ were consumed, compared to 962,2 m³ in 2012.