Getting Started

This 2013 Annual Report contains our full and consolidated economic and financial results for the previous fiscal year – from January 01 to December 31 – as well as our social and environmental efforts for the same period.

This issue encompasses our operations in Brazil and continues our previous report, disclosed on April 30, 2012. The editorial contents, which were internally established, gather information from several of our departments and have been approved and validated by the Executive Board, the Advisory Committee, and the Board of Directors.

This annual report submits information on our operations to our stakeholders – clients, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and the community. To this end, we undertake to communicate by using a plain and objective language and disclosing relevant and reliable information in line with the principles of transparency and the best governance practices, which guide our efforts in the Brazilian retirement industry.

This publication also celebrates the 20 years of our operations. Throughout our history, we have been taking action to add value to the community by offering people affordable and effective products for financial planning and helping them save through discipline and, thus, enable their long-term goals.

To share our story with you, we hereby present to you success stories, as told by their protagonists: clients of ours that have already achieved or will achieve their life plans.


For more information on our 2013 Annual Report, please contact: [email protected]>.

The 2013 Annual Report does not contain significant changes regarding the Brasilprev business structure. Any potential adjustments to data and measurement methods are stated where the information is presented.