
Management Model

Mrs. Melo intends to pay for her son's education with the funds she has been accumulating: "My focus is a student exchange program, but I'm going to give him the choice to use the money as he wishes." For Mr. Paulineli, Thais' father, getting a Brasilprev Junior plan was key for her daughter, who is about to go to medical school, to have the peace of mind to make her own choices: "Her education is guaranteed. However, if Thais gets accepted by a public university, I will use a portion of the plan's reserve to give her her first car."

In line with our strategy to add value to our different stakeholders, directly or indirectly, our management model is based on a few assumptions. Our model follows corporate behaviors that put into practice transparency, ethics, and interdepartmental cooperation by exchanging experiences in the workplace and adopting practices and tools that are able to enhance high performance and innovation and incorporate our goals into the actions of all employees. Our key campaigns include:

Joint Decisions

We use a joint decision-making process. A structure of commissions, with members from different departments, supports our business decision-making process to find points of convergence and solutions that best meet their shared organizational needs.

Casual Environment

Casual, functional, and open environments foster proximity and a sense of equality among employees and promote team integration, commitment, and fast decision-making.

Shared Information

Our internal communication channels share information about the behavior of the insurance and retirement industry, our company, our products and services, as well as our corporate strategy and goals and help our employees share information between them. With a clear and objective language that enables integration and an understanding of the different aspects of the state of affairs where we find ourselves, they awaken a sense of belonging and strengthen our internal culture.

Open Communications

We encourage two-way communications with our internal audience. This is why we conduct organizational-climate surveys every year and this is why we have an internal ombudsman office and an ethics hotline, among other channels.


Our management model provides our employees with actual opportunities to grow in different departments of our organization and the necessary tools and instruments to seek excellence and high performance.


Because we are aware that our success also relies on the competence, experience, and commitment of our talents, we have several programs in place to appreciate the dedication and high performance of our professionals.


Celebrations, as events, accolades, or festivities, are how we share the joy of achievements and appreciate results while treasuring our professionals, who strove to exceed their goals.