
Satisfaction Surveys

Our efforts are also based on satisfaction surveys, which we conduct regularly. These surveys allow us to identify improvement opportunities, enhance our knowledge of the needs and aspirations of our clients, employees, and business partners, and validate our products, services, and management practices.

In 2013, we established a new initiative that allowed us to monitor how satisfied our participants were throughout the year and identify the most critical points to improve client satisfaction. We called it the Satisfaction Cycle. This methodology has three stages:

  • An annual satisfaction survey, a quantitative study with a large amount of people to check how our clients view our products and services;
  • An in-depth interview with a group of 40 respondents that claimed a degree of dissatisfaction to better understand the critical points;
  • Specific surveys to delve into three topics that were considered a priority by the previous survey.

To measure general satisfaction or a specific attribute, we use an eleven-point scale (0 to 10). The grades between zero and six translate as dissatisfaction; from seven to eight, as satisfaction; and from nine to 10, as delight.

The following are the key surveys we conducted in 2013.

Stage 1: Annual Satisfaction Survey

Our 2013 survey, in association with R&J – Pesquisa de Mercado e Opinião, talked to 2,300 clients (individuals and businesses) from all Brazilian regions; As to the products and services we offer, the satisfaction rate among respondents was 79% for individuals, which is very close to the 2012 results (80%), and 80% for businesses, a slight gain over the previous survey (79%).

Results showed that key positive factors continue to be the hallmarks of a strong brand associated with Banco do Brasil and an outlook for a secure future, which our retirement plans offer. However, because of the volatility in the financial markets, there was a drop in satisfaction with the Yield attribute, which had a 76% satisfaction rate, slightly lower than the 2012 results (84%).

Stage 2 – In-Depth Interview

In association with Instituto Multifocus, this 2013 survey aimed to better understand why 40 clients were dissatisfied when they answered our Annual Satisfaction Survey. These results further showed that the main cause of dissatisfaction stemmed from the yield of funds during the previous fiscal year.

Stage 3: Specific Surveys

This stage, which aims to better understand three priority issues that raised a flag during Stage 2, will be completed in 2014.

Call Center Satisfaction

Throughout 2013, our call center got a high approval rate again, according to post-call surveys to assess the quality of services delivered. With the participation of 48% of clients, in general, satisfaction had an average grade of 9.4, the same score from 2012.

Banco do Brasil Manager Satisfaction

This survey aims to ascertain the perceptions of the 1,300 Banco do Brasil managers of the quality of the product and service sale support we offer. The 2013 survey showed that 89% of managers of individual accounts and 88% of business accounts were satisfied, a slight drop from 2012, when results were 94% and 93%, respectively.

Satisfaction According to the HR Departments of Corporate Clients

During the 2013 survey with the heads of Human Resources of businesses, 77% said they were satisfied with the service they received from our custom retirement plan managers, which is lower than the 83% rate we got in 2012. The drop in satisfaction may stem from a service staff change and, among critical points, meeting request deadlines was a key concern.

Organizational Climate

In order to assess the level of satisfaction of our employees with our management model and work environment, we conduct an annual organizational-climate survey with our staffers in association with the Principal Financial Group, one of our shareholders. In 2013, with 88% of employees reporting, our satisfaction rate reached 81%, an increase over the 2012 figure (76%). In the year-over-year comparison, personnel management aspects, which cover the identification of and balance between what the company offers versus what is expected from employees, were rated positively.