
Competitive Edge and Intangible Assets

Throughout our 20-year operations, we have achieved key market advantages and intangible assets that foster competitiveness and the sustainable growth of our business. They include the following:

Strong Brand

Our brand has always been tied to Banco do Brasil, the largest bank in Latin America, and have been a part of one of the most important holdings in Brazil, BB Seguridade, since 2012. Our reputation is also strengthened by the experience from our second shareholder, the Principal Financial Group, the global leader in retirement and investment management, operating in the mature United States market and a key player in Latin America. Established over 13 years ago, the partnership between these two major conglomerates which are known for their solidity, reliability, innovation, and leadership, has allowed wider access to the insights and technologies used in more mature and seasoned markets.


We are fully devoted to the retirement industry, unlike our main competitors, which are institutions that sell various products. This allows us to remain competitive when releasing products and services and managing long-term investments to add outstanding value to all our stakeholders and ensure a leading position in the Brazilian retirement market.

Enhanced Positioning

In line with our mission statement, we educate the public on the concept of long-term savings as a tool to enable life plans. Our efforts are guided by our Active Life philosophy, which suggests that four dimensions are key for people to achieve their goals: financial literacy, quality of life, an entrepreneurial attitude, and social responsibility (please refer to Stakeholder Relations).

Groundbreaking Profile

Innovation is how we drive our business as a key corporate value. With the international experience of the Principal Financial Group, this driver has allowed us to stand out from the competition in the Brazilian market when we rolled out all-new products in the industry: in 1997, we released Brasilprev Júnior and, in 2007, the Ciclo de Vida and 49D funds (please refer to Products).


Our team of 95 experts is certified to the CPA 10 and CPA 20 programs by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Institutions (ANBIMA, acronyms in Portuguese), which are geared towards professionals that devote their efforts to the sale and distribution of investment products.

Client Knowledge

We rely on a database that contains the preferences, characteristics, and needs of our clients. By cross-checking this information, we are able to outline a detailed profile of each segment and develop new products and services in line with the demands of each audience.

High Satisfaction Rates

The positive results we got according to the satisfaction surveys we conducted are a reflection of our commitment to excellence in services and client satisfaction. The list includes client satisfaction, Banco do Brasil manager satisfaction, corporate retirement plan manager satisfaction, organizational climate, and call center service quality (please refer to Satisfaction Surveys).

Affordability and Capillarity

We offer affordable products to clients with different profiles, purchasing power, age, and life plans: you can get a plan with monthly contributions starting at BRL 25.00 – the lowest contribution in the Brazilian retirement market. In addition, our main distribution channel relies on over 5,400 Banco do Brasil branches throughout Brazil.


We are concerned for client satisfaction throughout the retirement plan process, from acquisition to benefit distribution. To this end, our trained experts use consultative selling for a judicious and quality sale by going through all the steps of the cycle of the participant, who accesses multiple services throughout these years. As a result, we have manager to keep our withdrawal rate lower than the market average, just like we have been the leading trustee in net deposits (revenue less withdrawals) since 2008, thus ensuring return to scale and sustainable business growth.


We rely on several key well-known international certifications that verify the excellence of our management practices. Financial Management, in charge of separated cash flow and cash settlement processes, is certified to ISO 9001:2008, which was also obtained by our internal, external, and supplier ombudsman office, as well as our call center, which was recertified to the Brazilian Self-Regulation Program (PROBARE) in the Code of Ethics and Management Maturity categories (please refer to Awards and Recognition).