Corporate Governance

In the first company he worked for, Mr. Mendes da Silva asked the board to offer corporate retirement plans to all employees. Thus, he felt encouraged to start his long-term savings. In turn, Mrs. Amorim, claims she didn't think about the importance of financial literacy for years, but that changed when she started working. Currently, she worries about spending consciously and saving to achieve her plans. For both, retirement plans encourage the discipline to save and contribute to long-term financial planning.

Our actions are in line with the best industry practices and the precepts that are upheld by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC, acronyms in Portuguese). Our managers prioritize ethics, respect, and fairness in our relations with our stakeholders, corporate responsibility when doing business, as well as transparency, reliability, and accountability. We are constantly trying to improve our governance and our structure has been undergoing several changes that will enable us to lead a new cycle of sustainable growth.

Our governance structure is composed of a set of advisory committees and supporting management commissions to ensure increased agility and assertiveness when making strategic decisions, with a focus on our mission, vision, and corporate values.

In early 2013, we reviewed our governance guidelines, which, in essence, reinforce our longstanding commitment to take action in line with the best practices.



The year saw important changes in our executive board. In February, Miguel Cícero Terra Lima, our former Chief Commercial and Marketing Officer since 2009, became our Chief Executive Officer, with another stint at the company in his capacity as Sales Executive from 2001 to 2003. He also took the helm temporarily, from May to September 2012.

At the end of August, Oton Cabral Gonçales became our Chief Commercial and Marketing Officer.

Our governance also relies on the support from the following bodies and policies:

Audit Committee Channel

This tool is available to all audiences on our website. This channel is devoted to Audit Committee inspection issues. All messages are confidential. When needed and if appropriate, the information is directly forwarded to our Board of Directors for analysis and resolution purposes.

Ethics Hotline

This hotline, whose unrestricted communications are fully integrated with the company, can be accessed via our portal online. All communications are completely confidential. The Ethics Hotline gathers complaints about questionable business practices and fraudulent or unethical behaviors among employees, clients, suppliers, and other partners. Any and all communications are forwarded to the Ethics Commission, which will then review the information and take appropriate action.

Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct contains instructions, rules, and guidelines on the social behavior of our employees. In line with our corporate culture, it approaches topics related to ethics, personal responsibility, professional secrecy, conflicts of interest, among other major aspects that must be watched inside and outside the work environment. To adopt guidelines that encourage professional relationships based on ethical principles, with loyalty, justice, transparency, and trust between stakeholders, all managers and employees receive a copy of the document, which is also available on our Intranet and our governance portal on the Internet.

Internal Controls, Compliance and Fraud

Throughout 2013, we paid attention to our industry's legal requirements and committed to improving our operations to secure and streamline our internal management processes and controls.

Because of the nature of our business, the increase in assets under management also requires the constant improvement of monitoring processes. Since 2012, we have been using a team devoted to preventing and fighting fraud (Internal Controls and Compliance), who aims to map critical processes, identify potential control deficiencies, suggest improvements, and organize training sessions with cultural efforts to change the habits of employees from different teams.

One of the highlights of the year was the Money Laundering Prevention Guide initiative, an internal effort carried out by Compliance and Processes agents. We want to keep our employees aware of this issue, which has been increasingly discussed in the financial industry, and prevent our company from getting involved in this type of offense. The publication, a practical guide, describes money laundering, how and where it occurs more frequently, the laws and basic principles for prevention, among other steps to fight this illegal practice.

The material is now also the starter kit for new employees, who must also attend courses on our Code of Conduct, Prevention and Fraud, Information Security and Money Laundering Prevention, and Counter-Terrorist Financing, the latter of which follows the guidelines stated in the Brazilian Federal Department of Insurance (SUSEP, acronyms in Portuguese) Rule No. 445 / 2012.

The anticorruption issue was also a hot-button issue during 2013, with the creation of an internal rule that established procedures to be deployed to prevent and detect potential involvement in corruption. This issue was addressed during training sessions with Compliance and Processes agents and our providers. A Compliance professional specializing in anticorruption made a presentation to all of our managers.

During an October lecture, employees were also encouraged to rethink how they behave in social networks. The event allowed us to think about the need to be vigilant about the information we share in these channels, which may expose our personal and professional lives.

Additionally, a new edition of the Information Security campaign was held to make employees aware of the importance of paying attention to this issue both at work and at home. The key message was that everybody needs to protect the information they produce or access on paper, by e-mail, in computer files, or even social networks on the Internet. This initiative is part of the training on these procedures and has already been incorporated into our mandatory activities.


To tailor our efforts to everyone's needs, our Ombudsman Office utilizes three outstanding hotlines: Internal Ombudsman Office, External Ombudsman Office, and Supplier Ombudsman Office, whose contacts are listed on our website. They are independent channels that report directly to our Chief Executive Officer and are supposed to act as a direct line to our senior managers in compliance with the principles of impartiality and confidentiality. Thus, it ensures rights and guides duties in contractual relationships.

Our current Ombudsman team is composed of seven experts that were certified by the Brazilian Ombudsman Association (ABO, acronyms in Portuguese) and follow the principles of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA).

Our Ombudsman Office renewed its ISO 9001:2008 certification and has been recertified until 2014, with accreditation in Brazil and abroad, respectively, from the Brazilian Institute of Standards and Technology (CGCRE / INMETRO, acronyms in Portuguese) and the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB). This certification ensures quality excellence in our three service channels.