Stakeholder Relations


Throughout our history, we have strived to consolidate an ethical and transparent relationship with our employees and foster actions that ensure a healthy workplace that respects the rights of individuals. We wish to promote personal growth and professional qualification based on personnel management programs that focus on an improved quality of life. Upon reinforcing our mission statement, redefining our vision statement, and reviewing our core values – which are divided into Our Way and Our Commitments –, we then revised our corporate competencies. This effort engaged the entire company and was completed in 2013, consolidating one of the most important management initiatives to support the strategic direction of the company.

This new model presents the behaviors we expect from employees in line with our corporate values. To carry out this project, we held meetings with representatives from each department – employees and managers – to identify key behaviors that, later, translated into competencies. This tool was divided into three major sections: corporate competencies (which apply to managers and employees), managerial competencies (for managers only), and functional competencies (specific to each department).

We introduced this by holding workshops with all the teams, who received our new Competency Guide. This tool reinforces the structured performance review of employees through the performance cycle and values objectivity and transparency in this process. In 2013, our organizational-climate survey showed that, out of 447 respondents, 79.4% stated that we put our corporate values into practice.

In 2013, we also celebrated our 20-year anniversary and invited all employees to share personal accounts of their achievements and projects while working at Brasilprev. Entitled Many Stories to Tell, this campaign started after we installed a display at the reception of our headquarters. There was a countdown to our twentieth year and a special decoration. All in all, we received 102 testimonials, which were publicized by using our internal communication channels. This effort had two commemorative moments: the traditional corporate meeting, called Meeting of Employees, whose main theme was the Brasilprev story. The second was an employee-only concert by João Carlos Martins and the Philharmonic Bachian Orchestra and Chitãozinho & Xororó at Sala São Paulo.

Improved Facilities

We want to become a great company to work for and we have already included this in our strategy. Therefore, we value equality in interpersonal relationships, offer development opportunities and promotions, encourage efforts to improve everyone's quality of life, among many other initiatives that aim to ensure a great organizational climate.

Between 2012 and 2013, we carried out a number of improvements in our São Paulo headquarters. Over the last six months, we built a multipurpose court on the rooftop of our building so people can play soccer, volleyball, and basketball. This area has a barbecue grill and will also serve to hang out and celebrate. Since it is right next to the fitness room, there is the possibility of doing exercises together.

In line with our Active Life philosophy, our actions for employees have their quality of life in mind. This concept highlights the importance of adopting healthy habits now to be in good health to enjoy and accomplish your life plans. In 2013, we also started Ergonomics: Awareness, Posture, Action, a program that aims to make our employees aware that maintaining a good posture throughout the workday and outside the corporate environment is paramount.

At the end of 2013, we had a staff 519 strong under the Brazilian labor laws (CLT, acronyms in Portuguese), including 95 business consultants across the five Brazilian regions, 10 part-timers (enrolled in the Young Citizen program), four apprentices, and 16 interns. With the exception of part-timers, apprentices, interns, and officers, all of our staffers work under the terms of a collective agreement.

Staff Diversity Indicators*







Black. Brown. or Biracial Employees










*Efetivo regido pela Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT).

Total Number of Staffers by Region











Benefits and Perks

In line with our Active Life philosophy, the benefits and perks we offer our staffers also aim to help them achieve their life plans.

The list of benefits and perks is as follows:

Nosso Brasilprev

Intended for staffers only, Nosso Brasilprev is a defined-contribution plan that aims to help our employees achieve long-term economic well-being and accomplish their life plans. Available in the PGBL and VGBL categories, it also offers improved terms to the children and direct dependents of our employees when they get a Brasilprev Júnior plan. In addition, our employees are able to adjust their investments to the type of fund that best suits their profile. Our employees are entitled to exclusive management fees, no administrative charges, spousal support and child support for children under 21, and a one-time death benefit fully covered by the company.

After three years as staffers, associates are entitled to 40% of the balance that we deposited and, after seven years, they are entitled to 100%, which can be redeemed upon separation and / or retirement. In 2013, our total annual contribution was BRL 2,121,492, which amounts to an average monthly deposit of BRL 176,791, which is higher than the average monthly contribution in 2012 (BRL 154,752.04).

Professional Development

We maintain the Development Center portal, a tool that offers our employees opportunities to choose from multiple online and onsite courses, so our teams are always qualified and up-to-date. This initiative is also part of our strategy to attract and retain talent and covers different fields of knowledge, which are organized into four learning vectors: Management and Leadership; Attitude; Business; and Technical.

The curriculum, which is updated every year, is based on the specific needs of different departments as well as the results of our organizational-climate survey, the performance cycle, and support meetings with employees and managers. In 2013, this platform was revamped to make it easier to browse it and access the list of available courses. It now offers new tools, like a messaging service for employees so they can share ideas about past training sessions. At the end of the year, the Development Center had 18 courses and an average attendance of 23 employees per course.

In 2013, to develop new managers, we offered courses with partner institutions as well as individual follow-up to work on the leadership and personnel management competencies. Moreover, we completed the executive coaching efforts, which started in 2012. This helped around 10 managers and lasted for 12 months.

We are also carrying out other activities, such as:


This benefit covers undergraduate and graduate education, MBAs, and English courses. In 2013, we granted 92 scholarships (62 new recipients and 30 current holders) for a total investment of BRL 355,805.

Internship Program

This program has a calendar of periodic meetings between interns and supervisors with the support of Personnel Management. Our overarching goal is to help these undergraduates improve their learning skills and develop organizational competencies. To this end, all of them are invited to develop improvement and innovation projects that may be implemented, in the future, in their fields of activity and they present their proposals to us. In 2013, we had 21 interns and three of them were hired. For interns, benefits include health insurance, life insurance, meal allowances, and a transit pass.

Young Citizen Program

As a result of a partnership with the São Paulo State Government, this program offers placement opportunities to students from public schools with paid internships. Just like 2011 and 2012, in 2013, we also took in 10 young individuals, ages 16 through 21, who, besides having their first job, are now receiving benefits such as meals in partner establishments, health insurance, and a transit pass. Two experts – one from Personnel Management and the other from Social Responsibility –, who interview each one of them on a monthly basis to review the program and conduct one-on-one follow-up sessions, also watched this initiative very closely. They also participate in the Volunteer Citizen Program, where they attend general-education classes given by employees as a way to enrich their professional and personal development (please refer to Stakeholder Relations / Community).

Apprenticeship Program

This program is meant for young people ages 14 through 24 that are in middle school or high school. The Brazilian Department of Labor regulates the hiring of apprentices according to the number of staffers in a company. Apprentices are hired based on recommendations from our employees. Employment contracts follow the Brazilian labor laws. They are valid for 16 months and cannot be renewed. Benefits include: health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, food allowance, meal allowance, transit pass, day off on birthday, and gym privileges. Apprentices have to work four hours a day and, once a week, apprentices attend a technical course on the company's business.